Saturday, September 30, 2006

Saturday, 30 September

Participating artists:

Eleonore de Montesquiou
Victor Ash
Marc Aschenbrenner
Hannes Kater
Peter Lind
Jeanne Susplugas
Thorbjorn Christiansen/Caroline Lund (with the participation of Henning Christiansen)

Thorbjorn Christiansen/Caroline Lund
(with the participation of Henning Christiansen)
Participative political Performance n°3

Part 3, with special guest : Fluxus Artist Henning Christiansen.
Short Description :
Your World Order - A participatory coment on the world politic by PM.
Question to answer :
Who's making the decisions? What's your opinion? How do you want to challenge the decison makers? What would you like to change? What is your proposal for the future? What is your idea on the current world political situation?
How to do it :
You will be able to describe your view on the current political situation today on a podium. Instead of being the one-way-receiver, you will become "the decision maker". Your comment will be taped and broadcasted in the Emergency Room during the exhibition. Your personal ideas can be written on a painting on paper of a world map with a marker during the action. YOU ARE WELCOME!
PM are Caroline Lund und Thorbjorn Reuter Christiansen.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday, 29 September

Participating artist:

Marc Aschenbrenner
Susanne Weirich, Robert Bramkamp
Eleonore de Montesquiou
Unwetter (Jole Wilcke)
Matti Isan Blind
Hannes Kater
Vassiliea Stylianidou

Susanne Weirich, Robert Bramkamp
Enki´s Longterm Emergency

Eleonore de Montesquiou 29th Sept.

Hannes Kater Tageszeichnungen

Matti Isan Blind Proposal for a Safer Paper- Desert Lone Edition

Unwetter (Jole Wilcke)

Vassiliea Stylianidou Instinkte und Trigger

Marc Aschenbrenner Spreng Clown

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thursday, 28 September

Participating artists:

Antje Majewski Neuigkeiten des Tages
M+M Schäuble Magazin Extra Ausgabe
Peter Lind
Marc Aschenbrenner Toter Geiselnehmer
Eleonore de Montesquiou
Dietmar Fleischer Rock the Day
Tanja Ostoji´c
Unwetter (Ulrike Solbrig, Jole Wikke, Philipp Ekhardt)
Thierry Geoffroy/Colonel
Robert Bramkamp, Susanne Weirich Enki´s Longterm Emergency
Hannes Kater Tageszeichnungen

M + M
M+M at work; they sampling a newspaper of the news of today. This time it is the Schäuble Magazin Extra Ausgabe.

Thierry Geoffroy/Colonel
New work

Dietmar Fleischer Rock the Day
Video with drum kit and children.
On the screen appear google head lines. The artist reads the listed links to his children while drumming softly.

Hannes Kater Tageszeichnungen
Veronica Ferres "Seite 1 Girl"
Ralph Lauren hat Parasiten

Antje Majewski Neuigkeiten des Tages in Zehlendorf
Antje Majewski interviews Berliner, what are the news of today, do you have any idea? This time it is in Zehlendorf.

Tanja Ostoji´c No the Disintegrative Migration Laws

Unwetter Colaborative Picnic on green carpet
Guests: Lisa Mee, Alan Marsik, Sarat Maharaj

Marc Aschenbrenner Toter Geiselnehmer

Peter Lind Surveillance is a Weapon, Everybody is a target
Live web Cam

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Wednesday, 27 September

Participating artists:

Henrik Schrat Can Paintings be Dangerous
Eleonore de Montesquiou 27th Sept
Marc Aschenbrenner Gael Garcia Bernal
Hannes Kater Tageszeichnungen
Boris Ivandic Liebes Rache
Christian Blau Berlin Heroes

Henrik Schrat Can Paintings be Dangerous
Ink and printed web pages on paper, 50cm-70cm

Christian Blau
Sound piece, 20 sec. loop, endless:

"Ja, in zehn Jahren wird es ganz toll sein, wir haben viele Arbeitsplätze, wir sind eine internationale Stadt vor allem wir sind eine tolerante Stadt, in der jeder in seiner Fasson seelig werden kann, egal welche Hautfarbe er hat, egal welche Konfession er hat, wir leben alle miteinander in einer blühenden Stadt friedlich zusammen. Und Klaus Wowereit ist natürlich immer noch regierender Bürgermeister."

Die Arbeit "Berlin Heroes" hat fast keinen Bezug zu David Bowies 1977er Hit aus seinenberliner Tagen. Sie sagt uns mehr über den "ewig gleichen Titel" den wir hören, wenn wir unseren politischen "Heroen" beim Vortragen ihres bekannten, aber nichtsdestotrotz ziemlich kranken Repertoirs zusehen.- später September 2006, Berlin.
Während uns ein Politiker aus Ungarn seine Version von "Honesty" vorstellt, können wir unseren lokalen Heroen nach der Berlin Wahl beim intonieren von "My Way" zuhorchen. In diesem Falle aberheißt der Titel: "In zehn Jahren", von Klaus Wowereit. Kein Ton bedroht die brilliant gesetzten Worte. Hier in einer zeitlosen Aufnahme von 2001.
Christian Blau 2006

Hannes Kater Tageszeichnungen "der traurigste Kuss der Welt" , "Jetzt rede ich", "Geheime Kräfte"
Hannes Kater ´s drawing on A4 sheets take their inspiration from images, text is not so important for me, Bild (the newspaper) only has text, and bad images, I want images.

Unwetter ( Philipp Ekhardt, Jole Wikke, Ulrike Solbrig)
The collaborative picnic is expanding, everyday the daily newspaper input enriches the collection on the green (grass?)

Boris Ivanic Liebes Rache
8 Copied Collages, Din A3
It´s himself, his pictures sticks in the very left corner, just below "Liebesrache".

Marc Aschenbrenner Gael Garcia Bernal

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Tuesday, 26 September

Participating artists:

Tina Schimensky Ticker
Hannes Kater Tageszeichnungen
Szacva y Pál Know why
Vassiliea Stylianidou Eyes Names
Katrin von Maltzahn charts 9/26/9
Marc Aschenbrenner
Eleonore de Montesquiou

Tina Schimensky Ticker 290906

Szycsva y Pál Know why

Vassiliea Stylianidou Eyes Names

Hannes Kater Tageszeichnungen
24.09.06 Blu-t
25.09.06 Star quält zum Glück
26.09.06 Gewinner und Verlierer

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Saturday, 23 September

Participating artists:

Marc Mer isisraelreal
Susanne Weirich, Robert Bramkamp Enki´s Longterm Emergency
Marc Aschenbrenner Alzheimer Wichsblatt
Philipp Ekhardt, Jole Wikke, Ulrike Solbrig Unwetter, Modediscussion
Hannes Kater Tageszeichnungen
Eleonore de Montesquiou

Marc Mer isisraelreal
is israel real israel is real isn't it mass is real isn't it israel is real as real as mass is isn't it

Susanne Weirich, Robert Bramkamp Enki´s Longterm Emergency

A brief videoloop; Dr. Donny George Youkhanna, Director of the Iraqi Antique Office, says in a symposium about the work of Robert Koldewey
I apologiesze for not having, I did not, as you know, because of the Iraqi situation, what Iraq is going through, as you know, I did not have time to prepare slides or pictures for what I am going to say, I am going to speak about the work, all the Iraqi work of Robert Koldewey.

Marc Aschenbrenner Alzheimer Wichsblatt

Hannes Kater Tageszeichnungen

Philipp Ekhardt, Jole Wikke, Ulrike Solbrig Unwetter, Modediscussion

Eleonore de Montesquiou BBC news 10-11am, 23 Sept

Friday, September 22, 2006

Friday, 22 September

Participating artists :

Henrik Schrat Leitgedanken
Nada Sebestyen
Marc Aschenbrenner Zug-Opfer
Peter Lind Everybody is in Potential Danger
Eleonore de Montesquiou
Hannes Kater
Philipp Ekhardt, Jole Wikke, Ulrike Solbrig (from Unwetter collective)
Thjoborn Christiansen Podiumdiscussion
Susanne Weirich, Robert Bramkamp Enki´s Longterm Emergency

Henrik Schrat Leitgedanken

Basic Idea

1. Am proud of my German roots
2. I want to do justice to my roots.
3. I only fight for people of my own kind.
4. I only look for friends among my own kind.
5. I only sleep with people of my own kind.
6. I only beget children with my own kind.
7. I avoid any distracting foreign influence.
8. I fight for a German territory.
9. I proclaim culture.
10. I am decent.

Basic idea of the NPD, Saxon Sexy Sexiest Switzerland.(Region of Germany)
Mainly on the subject of Homosexuality. NPD in Saxon: 9,3%, SPD in Saxon 9,8%.

Nada Sebestyen

Marc Aschenbrenner Zug-Opfer

Hannes Kater

Eleonore de Montesquiou
BBC news shortcut

Philipp Ekhardt, Jole Wikke, Ulrike Solbrig (from Unwetter collective/Berlin)

Peter Lind September 22nd's screenshot (from thenewsarenotthenews installation)