Artists list and works:
-Ella Ziegler : "Still waiting for Pretoria News"
-Lars Vilhelmsen : "Do you feel safer now"
-David Keating : "Aussenpolitik"
-Marc Aschenbrenner :"Lernen und Riechen"
-Emil Holmer : "Fleischwolf"
-Robert Bramkamp/Susanne Weirich : "Enki´s Longterm Emergency"
Overview of works :
Emil Holmer "Fleischwolf" :
Emil Holmer´s has brought two bukets, one filled with maggots the other with sugar. Hopefully after two days the maggots will have grown into flies and smell some sugar. The two bukets are connected with a tube dangeling in little loops up in the air and finding their highest point in a puppethead. The flies smelling the sugar have to pass by the puppethead in order to arrive at the sugar cubes.
The drawing according to the artist is representing the "Fleischwolf/Meatgrinder". His work is reffering to a newspaper article Fleischermord-Sie schlägt ihrem Mann den Kopf ab und kochte damit eine Gemüseeintopf/Butcher-killing- She shops off her husband´s head and cooks with it a vegetable stew.
David Keating "Aussenpolitik"
Beständig Unbeständig/Situation Not Situation
David Keating has picked a newspaper exerpt, foreign politics, discribing the unbalanced situation in Afganistan, how the Co-Allations try to stabilize Afganistan. On a second sheet he copies by hand the drawing and wiriting, translating as well the German into English.
Marc Aschenbrenner
"Lernen und Riechen"
Marc Aschenbrenner brings a drawing every day. Today he brought us "Learning and Smelling". We could definitly smell the freshly applied nail polish which covers in pea green almost the entire head of the learning person. The things we can learn are sticked to the head.
Start of the movie "Parfum", and ongoing education
Der Nasen-Zombie
Ganz großes Kino voll delikater Erotik und knisternder Spannung
The nose-zombie
Grand cinema full of delicate erotism and cracking tension.
Lars Vilhelmsen : "Do you feel safer now there is no flag big enough to cover the shame of killing people"
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